Mobile Hoist
Brief Description of Mobile Elevator
[Mobile Hoist.]
Mobile Hoist loading a Vibro
Sifter in dust free way
Mobile elevator has a base of 900 mm x 650 mm. This base is having mobility with four heavy duty castors of PU wheels with thrust bearings mounted with S.S. 304 side brackets. On this base hydraulic powerpack is mounted along with balance weights. Hydrailic power pack runs with 3 phase, 1 HP AC electrical motor of Bharat Bijlee make. On this frame there are two vertical members of S.S. 304 channels of 1600 mm long (height of these members depends upon your required lift and door height as this movable hoist in it’s lowest position should be able to go through your lowest door height) and inside that assembly there is a movable frame. This movable frame is lifted by the hydraulic cylinder. On the inner side of this movable frame there is a slider assembly which has a bracket to lift the load. This slider assembly of carriage slides on ball bearing inside the movable assembly. This slider assembly gets pulled up by stainless steel wire rope through the hydraulic cylinder. All this vertical member and slider assembly are from S.S. 304 and there is no cladding.